"The dynamic and active nature of human information processing enables us to become experts but also makes us distort incoming data and make erroneous decisions. These vulnerabilities are not limited to fingerprint experts and apply equally to other domains. However, the importance of fingerprint evidence being reliable and unbiasable requires that these potential weaknesses be addressed."
- Chapter 15, page 20
The Fingerprint Sourcebook
Scientific Working Groups (SWG). The overall intent of Scientific
Working Groups is to improve forensic science practices and build
consensus amongst federal, state, and local forensic laboratories and
practitioners. The SWGs are a focal point for discussion on key issues
confronting various forensic science disciplines which will lead to the
establishment of guidelines and standards through consensus and general
acceptance. The guidelines and standards published by them are widely
recognized by the forensic community, the courts, and the forensic
laboratory accrediting bodies.
group of dedicated and professionally recognized individuals. This
includes not only friction ridge examination experts from law
enforcement agencies, but also defense experts, researchers,
instructors, academicians, laboratory managers, and others

The Fingerprint Sourcebook aims to be the definitive resource on the science of fingerprint identification. The Sourcebook was prepared by the International Association for Identification and topics covered include the anatomy and physiology of friction ridge skin (the uniquely ridged skin found on the palms and soles); techniques for recording exemplars from both living and deceased subjects; the FBI's Automated Fingerprint Identifications Systems (AFIS); latent print development, preservation and documentation; equipment and laboratory quality assurance; perceptual, cognitive and psychological factors in expert identifications; and legal issues.
- The complete Fingerprint Sourcebook (pdf, 422 pages)
- Table of Contents and Preface (pdf, 6 pages)
- Chapter 1: History (pdf, 18 pages)
By Jeffery G. Barnes - Chapter 2: Anatomy and Physiology of Adult Friction Ridge Skin (pdf, 26 pages)
By Alice Maceo - Chapter 3: Embryology, Physiology, and Morphology (pdf, 26 pages)
By Kasey Wertheim - Chapter 4: Recording Living and Postmortem Friction Ridge Skin Exemplars (pdf, 18 pages)
By Brent T. Cutro, Sr. - Chapter 5: Systems of Friction Ridge Classification (pdf, 26 pages)
By Laura A. Hutchins - Chapter 6: Automated Fingerprint Identification System (AFIS) (pdf, 36 pages)
By Kenneth R. Moses; Contributing authors Peter Higgins, Michael McCabe, Salil Probhakar, Scott Swann - Chapter 7: Latent Print Development (pdf, 68 pages)
By Brian Yamashita and Mike French - Chapter 8: The Preservation of Friction Ridge Information (pdf, 21 pages)
By Laura A Hutchins - Chapter 9: Examination Methodology (pdf, 26 pages)
By John R. Vanderkolk - Chapter 10: Documentation of Friction Ridge Impressions: From the Scene to the Conclusion (pdf, 20 pages)
By Alice V. Maceo - Chapter 11: Equipment (pdf, 13 pages)
By Julieanne Perez-Avila - Chapter 12: Quality Assurance (pdf, 12 pages)
By M. Leanne Gray - Chapter 13: Fingerprints and the Law (pdf, 26 pages)
By Andre A. Moenssens and Stephen B. Meagher - Chapter 14: Scientific Research in the Forensic Discipline of Friction Ridge Individualization (pdf, 31 pages)
By Glenn Langenburg - Chapter 15: Special Abilities and Vulnerabilities in Forensic Expertise (pdf, 24 pages)
By Tom Busey and Itiel Dror - Appendices (pdf, 28 pages), includes:
- Appendix A: Author and Reviewer Biographies
- Appendix B: The Origin of the Scientific Working Group on Friction Ridge Analysis, Study and Technology (SWGFAST)
- Appendix C: Members of SWGFAST
- Appendix D: SWGFAST Standard Terminology of Friction Ridge Examination, Ver. 3.0